How do you know if your child is ready for solid foods?
How do you know if your child is ready for solid foods?
How do you know if your child is ready for solid foods? WHO and pediatrics recommend the introduction of solid foods at 6 months of age. Besides, you can also look for these signs to determine if your baby is developmentally ready:
Your baby can sit with little or no support He or she has good head control Your baby opens his or her mouth and leans forward when the food is offered
If you are looking for the best food choices for your baby at the complementary feeding stage, Tiny Tummy Organic Baby Grains got you covered as they are organic, preservative-free, chemical-free and packed with the right vitamins, quality proteins and minerals, specially formulated for your baby’s daily needs for health and growth.
The Tiny Tummy grains are available in mono-grain, duo-grain, tri-grain and multiple grains to ensure a wholesome and nutritious diet that is appropriate to the baby’s age. Want to know more about Tiny Tummy Organic Baby Grains? Visit here: