How to Improve Breastfeeding Positions?

How to Improve Breastfeeding Positions?

How to Improve Breastfeeding Positions?

Dear mommies, do you feel discomfort when you are feeding your little one? 🍼
A poor breastfeeding posture can lead to sore back, neck pain and even headaches. 😱
Well, now we know posture matters, so what are some good practices?
🍼 Sit on the sofa as much as you can and lean on the backrest with your feet flat on the ground (use a cushion for extra support if needed!)
🍼 Relax your shoulder and keep them away from your ears.
🍼 Bring your infant to your breast instead (use an additional towel or cushion to lean your baby’s head closer)
🍼 Change different feeding positions to give your muscle a rest.
🍼 Stay hydrated
🍼 Do light exercise or go for a stroll